Tuesday 27 September 2011

Cosmetic Dentistry – Get a Beautiful Smile

Cosmetic dentistry unlike traditional dentistry does not focuses on oral hygiene and treating oral diseases, instead it focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s teeth, mouth and most important their smile.Cosmetic dentistry provides many restorative benefits. For example, a dental filling is a common procedure that has been used for years to treat decayed teeth; most of the fillings are composed primarily of gold, amalgam and other materials that leave visible dark spots on the teeth. But today, dental fillings fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry. We get to select the fillings made of porcelain or a composite material that closely matches with the colour of the teeth, thus maintaining the natural appearance of the teeth and smile. Many people have got their older fillings replaced with newer, tooth-colored fillings to enhance their oral appearance. Technological advancements in cosmetic dentistry are now enabling dentists to address wide range of challenges. The latest trends aimed at creating a more attractive appearance are smile makeovers and full mouth reconstruction.Smile makeover helps in improving the appearance of the smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants, and teeth whitening.Full mouth reconstruction includes treatment for functional problems with the bite, muscles, teeth, and bone structure as well as the use of additional cosmetic procedures. Full mouth reconstruction involves advanced restorative treatment designed to address severe wear of the teeth, pain, and other problems. Full mouth reconstruction frequently involves several dentists who focus on their specific areas of expertise in order to obtain the best outcome.Cosmetic dentistry procedures currently in use include dental fillings, bonding, teeth whitening, dental veneers and dental implants. Dental fillings, as mentioned earlier, is the traditional procedure which is now included in the category of cosmetic dentistry as porcelain and composite resin materials are used to provide a tooth-like appearance. The repair of chipped or broken teeth could be done via a procedure called bonding. A dental composite material with the look of enamel is applied to the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured, and polished, making the crack or chip invisible. Teeth whitening is perhaps the most commonly recommended cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth often get stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea, or red wine) or poor oral hygiene. Bleaching the teeth enhances the appearance of the smile. Dental veneers, plastic or porcelain laminates bonded to the surface of a tooth to replace chips and cracks improves a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration. Veneers are also recommended if there are gaps in between the teeth or if there had not been any success with teeth whitening.Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry in order to compensate for tooth loss. Often the result is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more youthful appearance, since missing teeth cause the face to collapse giving a much older look.Cosmetic dentistry offers many options for people who are not happy with their smile. There are many advantages of cosmetic dentistry done. For instance, a beautiful smile makes us feel younger and full of youth. Having an attractive smile impacts not only health, self-esteem and confidence but also personal and professional relationships. Cosmetic Dentistry not only provides strong, durable and more aesthetically pleasing results, but also avoids the use of mercury found in some traditional metal filings that crack and blacken natural teeth

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