Saturday 1 October 2011

Headaches or Migraines change habits and take some care

Headaches or migraines are a common ailment that usually does not pose health risk, however, there are those who suffer from this malaise frequently, such as the elderly, so they must change habits and take some care to improve their situation.

Nobody has been spared to suffer pain at some time head that peculiar discomfort characterized by stinging and pressure in neck and temples that can spread to eyes, neck and shoulders, and triggers discouragement, irritability, poor concentration and even despair in those who experience it.

There are many circumstances that favor the emergence of headaches, as doctors call the headache, and between main ones are:
* Having a disease that produces fever, and flu and infections of the throat or stomach.
* Stress and anxiety.
* Muscle tension.
* Strenuous workday.
* Experience an intense emotion (shock, anger).
* Excessive consumption of alcohol, snuff, coffee and chocolate.
* Prolonged exposure to sun
* Poor sleep.
* High blood pressure.
* Noise and air pollution.

Of these, the most common causes of pain headaches are tension, stress and intense emotional states not always well channeled by individuals and resulting in the presence repetitive pains that can occur spontaneously and without origin apparent.

Tension headache
This group makes up 90% of cases of headache, is related to stress, anxiety and concerns as precipitating factors, and is more common in women than in men. In elderly becomes frequent, also for sleep disorders and high blood pressure.

Although some individuals experience headaches from time to time, there are those who often present and can be a lifelong problem that manifest for a few minutes or a couple of hours for several days followed.

Those with tension headache experience moderate intermittent pain that appears on the front and rear head, and sometimes feel as if they put pressure on the neck; not serious, but sometimes accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and noise or experienced lack of concentration, hopelessness and muscle stiffness.

It is for this reason that some years ago was known to this condition as “pain of muscle contraction headache”; the term is not accurate, although there is some truth in the observation because in many cases there is great tension in the neck shoulders and upper back, same as working to accentuate the inconvenience.

Tension-type headaches usually disappear by eating a nonprescription painkiller and it is necessary to prevent avoid those factors that can alter the balance of the nervous system drinking coffee, alcohol and snuff in an exaggerated manner, disclosed or altered the sleep-wake cycle, experiencing severe stress states for work or anxious and emotionally involved in situations not can be solved.

It is advisable to consult a doctor if they suffer frequent headaches, to request information on practices to help prevent discomfort, such as:
* Adequate rest, it is not enough sleep, but   must have a regular schedule, sleep or afternoon nap in overtime   Weekend may bring on a headache.
* Eat regularly, as well as how important   it is to have a balanced diet, “leapfrog” the   lunch or break times can cause headache.
* Harnessing the tension by practicing   not excessive exercise, relaxation techniques, meditation   and simple neck and shoulder massage to manage stress and anxiety   it is also advisable to practice biofeedback   (Also known as biofeedback technique) by which   learn to avoid statements that generate nerve diseases.
* Avoid drinking too much coffee, snuff and alcohol.

Other common causes of headache, such as insomnia or High blood pressure (hypertension) also have strong relation to states of stress and anxiety, so that these cases the practices described above are very effective.

Above all, keep in mind that any headache not subside with pain or last more than a day requires assessment of a general practitioner.

Other headaches
Although less common, other types of headaches such as migraine and cluster headaches, which have certain characteristics that it worth mentioning.

Migraines. According to estimates, is suffered to varying degrees by 10% or 20% of the adult population and is known to have some relationship to heredity. The pain caused by this condition is typical, as if “on” suddenly a boring nuisance that starts in one eye or in one temple and then extends to the entire head although it may be only in one hemisphere is accompanied by vomiting, light sensitivity and depression. It can last from several hours to days.

Cluster headache. Is still less common than that caused by tension or migraine but is more serious. Usually occurs at night and the seizure lasts an hour, the pain is severe and sit on the side of the head. Episodes have intermittent problems (no pain-free periods) and can be triggered by alcohol or lack of oxygen (For example, in areas well above sea level).

While the trouble appears manifest other symptoms such as swelling of the eyelid, runny nose and tearing of the eye on the same side that feels the pain. Indeed, although this episode disappears, now back periodically although there is no certainty of when this will occur because it observed arriving to run six months to five years is this new crisis.

The cluster headache can be treated with oxygen inhaled and some of the same medications used for migraine headaches although there are drugs that help prevent recurrence episodes.

Finally, consider that the headaches do not pose an individual life threatening, but symptoms can be disabling or of a disease as serious as brain tumor or a clot that causes no or inadequate blood supply (stroke). Therefore, you should see a neurologist when the pain is intense and suddenly emerge, is accompanied by fever, stiff neck, rash, mental confusion, seizures, double vision, weakness, numbness, vomiting or difficulty speaking. Also if it occurs after a strep throat and respiratory system after beating or if it occurs continuously and made worse by coughing, straining and moving sharply.

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